My name is Jason and this blog is about bikes and biking, plain and simple. I don't claim to be a gear head, a former pro, a hipster or an afficionado. I just like to ride my bicycle.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

You know what...?

You know what sucks?  Getting something stuck in your eye, an eyelash or something, and then trying to produce the tears to flush it out while riding your 13 degree temps.

You know what is pretty funny?  Watching a Dodge Neon be a prick to a Honda CRV and some mini van by passing them in the turn lane, cutting them off in the intersection only to stop two blocks down to turn right.

You know what is lame?  Having to go to work when your wife is still sitting warmly in bed saying, "Have fun at work!"

You know what is lamer?  Spending your day at work in a very boring, PowerPoint focused, training on something that doesn't pertain to your job.

You know what is going to take over the world and cause the domination of all mankind signifying the end of everything that we know it in the year 2010....?--The Ice Man!
Ice Beard!

Happy New Year!

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